Archiving Policy

Digital Archiving

  • Repository: IFDJ utilizes secure digital repositories to ensure the long-term preservation of its published content.
  • Institutional Repositories: The journal supports archiving in institutional repositories to enhance accessibility and preservation.
  • LOCKSS/CLOCKSS: IFDJ participates in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) programs. These initiatives ensure that the journal’s content is archived in multiple locations, providing a robust and decentralized preservation mechanism.

Self-Archiving Policy

  • Authors' Rights: Authors are permitted and encouraged to deposit all versions of their work (submitted version, accepted version, and published version) in institutional or other repositories of their choice.
  • Open Access Repositories: Authors can self-archive their articles in open access repositories, ensuring wider dissemination and accessibility.
  • Embargo Period: There is no embargo period; authors can make their work available immediately upon publication.

Metadata and Indexing

  • Metadata: The journal ensures that all articles are accompanied by comprehensive metadata, including abstracts, keywords, and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) links.
  • Indexing Services: IFDJ is indexed in major databases and indexing services, facilitating the discoverability and accessibility of its content.

Long-term Preservation

  • Formats: The journal ensures that digital files are saved in standard, widely accepted formats (e.g., PDF, XML) for long-term preservation.
  • Backup: Regular backups of the journal’s content are performed to prevent data loss.
  • Migration: IFDJ commits to migrating content to new formats and platforms as technology evolves, ensuring continued access to the journal’s archives.

Access and Retrieval

  • Open Access Policy: As an open access journal, IFDJ ensures that all archived content is freely available to the public without any access restrictions.
  • Search Functionality: The journal’s website provides robust search functionality, allowing users to easily retrieve archived articles.
  • Persistent Identifiers: Each article is assigned a DOI, ensuring a persistent and reliable link to its location in the digital archive.

Policy Review

  • Regular Review: The archiving policy is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains up-to-date with best practices in digital preservation and archiving.
  • Updates: Any updates or changes to the archiving policy will be communicated to authors and readers through the journal’s website.