Goods Routing and Reduction of Environmental Impacts in Urban Logistics



Urban logistics, Supply Chain, Transportation, Environment


Urban logistics is a current topic of concern for many stakeholders. The urban environment is undergoing numerous changes, making it essential to consider these transformations. Urban space is of paramount importance since logistics adapt to the available resources and depend on the actors involved. It is the evolution of cities, consumption patterns, and technological advancements that prompt new studies on the subject. As a guarantor of a territory’s vitality and economic attractiveness, urban logistics is a crucial link in the urban system chain. This is a dynamic sector in total transformation, which must restructure to address new challenges. Due to numerous integrations, especially environmental, health, cost-effective, and social factors, local administrations and the state are now aware of the true interest in addressing urban logistics issues. The challenges related to urban logistics are well identified by local authorities, but the multiplicity of actors, the overlapping of competencies, and the continuous evolution of the Supply Chain make it a complex subject to handle.


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How to Cite

BA , F. A. (2024). Goods Routing and Reduction of Environmental Impacts in Urban Logistics. Interdisciplinary Finance and Development Journal, 1(1), 27–38. Retrieved from