Reviewer Guideline

General Responsibilities

  • Confidentiality: Treat the manuscript as a confidential document. Do not share it with others without the editor's permission.
  • Objectivity: Provide an objective, fair, and constructive review. Avoid personal comments or criticism of the author(s).
  • Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect your impartiality in reviewing the manuscript.
  • Timeliness: Complete the review within the stipulated time frame. Inform the editor if you need an extension or are unable to complete the review.

Review Process

  • Initial Assessment: Assess whether the manuscript falls within the scope of the journal and meets the basic standards of quality and originality.
  • Detailed Evaluation: Evaluate the manuscript on the following criteria:
    • Originality and Significance: Is the research original and does it contribute to the field of finance and development?
    • Literature Review: Is the literature review comprehensive and relevant? Does it identify gaps that the research addresses?
    • Methodology: Is the research design and methodology appropriate and well-executed? Are the data and analysis methods sound?
    • Results: Are the results clearly presented and supported by the data? Are the statistical analyses robust and appropriate?
    • Discussion and Conclusion: Are the interpretations and conclusions well-founded and supported by the results? Do they offer new insights or implications?
    • References: Are the references relevant and up-to-date? Are they correctly cited?

Specific Comments

  • Structure and Clarity: Comment on the organization, clarity, and readability of the manuscript. Suggest improvements if needed.
  • Title and Abstract: Evaluate whether the title is clear and informative and whether the abstract effectively summarizes the research.
  • Tables and Figures: Assess the quality and relevance of tables and figures. Are they appropriately labeled and easy to understand?
  • Language and Style: Note any issues with grammar, spelling, or language. Suggest improvements for clarity and readability.

Ethical Considerations

  • Plagiarism: Report any suspicion of plagiarism or unethical practices.
  • Data Integrity: Assess whether the data appears to be valid and reliable. Report any concerns about data fabrication or manipulation.


  • Provide a clear recommendation to the editor:
    • Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication with minor or no revisions.
    • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor changes before it can be accepted.
    • Major Revisions: The manuscript requires significant changes before it can be reconsidered for publication.
    • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in its current form or does not meet the journal’s standards.

Feedback to Authors

  • Constructive Criticism: Provide detailed, constructive feedback to help the authors improve their manuscript.
  • Specific Suggestions: Offer specific suggestions for revisions and improvements.
  • Positive Comments: Highlight the strengths of the manuscript as well as areas for improvement.

Final Comments to the Editor

  • Confidential Notes: Provide any confidential comments to the editor that are not to be shared with the authors.
  • Overall Assessment: Summarize your overall assessment of the manuscript and any additional thoughts or concerns.